MARK DANIELS - Adviser on visitor and occupational health and safety at
historic buildings, parks, gardens, coast and countryside
Work completed in 2015
January and ongoing -- regular work providing technical advice and updates to the Woodland Trust on relevant occupational and visitor safety issues.
January and ongoing -- an agreement is in place with the Historic Houses Association (HHA) for the provision of health and safety advice to its members, and to the HHA centrally.
January - September -- work for the Visitor Safety in the Countryside Group (VSCG) co-writing a new publication on "Managing visitor safety in the historic built environment".
January - July -- work for the Office of Public Works at Phoenix Park, Dublin, developing existing arrangements and plans for deer management.
March - May -- work for the Woodland Trust assisting with the recruitment process for a Health and Safety and Environmental Manager.
March - May -- work for the Woodland Trust and the National Trust, reviewing joint health and safety arrangements for partnership ownership and working at Fingle Woods, Devon.
March -- work for Craigengillan Estate, Ayrshire, reviewing health and safety arrangements and procedures.
April - August -- work for the Woodland Trust, helping to implement recommendations from the 2014 audit of their safety management system.
May - July -- work for Bignor Park, reviewing and advising on health and safety arrangements.
May - August -- work for Hever Castle, reviewing existing visitor safety arrangements and procedures and advising on improvements.
May - August -- work for Fairlight Hall, reviewing and advising on health and safety arrangements.
July - November -- work for the Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales, reviewing the Master Agreement for motorsports with the Motor Sports Association.
September -- preparation and delivery of health and safety training for the Weald and Downland Museum's MSc courses in Building Conservation and Timber Building Conservation.
August - October -- work for the solicitors Weightmans, providing an opinion relevant to their work for a client potentially subject to enforcement action from a health and safety enforcing authority.
October - November -- work for Hever Castle, reviewing existing policy and safety arrangements and advising on improvements.
October - December -- work for the Landmark Trust, reviewing existing health and safety policy and arrangements.
November -- work for the National Maritime Museum, providing advice on visitor safety and historic architectural features.
December -- work for Auckland Castle Trust, reviewing existing health and safety arrangements.

© Mark Daniels 2020